We are so thrilled to welcome the amazingly talented Angie Ochoa to the Blog. One of Angie’s specialties is pet photography, and if you own a pet you know just how important they are to your family! Take a moment to learn more about Angie and visit her website Ochoa Photography. Thanks so much Angie for sharing your work with us today!
Where did your inspiration for photography begin?
When I was young, my father was a hobby photographer. He would photograph all the events at our church, so I would ALWAYS want to “click the button”. He didnt teach me anything I know, but he did teach me the passion for it.
How would you describe your photography style?
FUN! I really don’t have a really specific editing style, but I know I love to keep my clients happy. I love to have fun with all of them, no matter how “old” or “furry” they are. I love all my clients (especially my furry ones)
Did you study photography in school or are you self taught?
“Self taught” aka spent lots and lots of money on Mentoring & workshops with amazing wold renown photographers & photoshop artist. While I didn’t pay a school for my classes, I paid amazing teachers to teach me what I know now. I do believe I still have lots to learn. Learning makes me happy and inspires me to try new things and get out of my comfort zone. I think we always can learn from someone, we just need to have a student heart.
Do you shoot Canon or Nikon, and what is your favorite lens?
I shoot Nikon, and I am totally a Prime lens type of girl. I love the shallow depth of field so much. I mostly use a 50mm 1.4, but I LOVE the 85mm when I can get my hands on it. Animals move so fast, I usually can’t have my lens wide open, but I try test my boundaries sometimes and go the widest I can :).
What is your favorite subject to photograph?
It used to be kids. While I still LOVE kids, after I got my cute little Pommies Chloe & Ted Banda, its defiantly animals, especially dogs. I feel like I never have gotten a grumpy dog. They always great me with the most love, and lets face it, they are too cute!
We just LOVE your pet photography! Can you share what inspires you to create such unique and beautiful images?
So about 2 years ago my husband and I got our first dog, she is a pomeranian, and we named her Chloe Banda. 1 year ago we rescued pom #2, and we named him Ted Banda. Honestly, I have never ever ever EVER loved any animals (or most humans) the way I love my poms. They inspire me to get my camera out and just photograph their everyday life, like playing fetch, sleeping, and cuddling with daddy. Now my “newborn” photography was inspired after I lost most of “patience” with newborn photography. I was having a conversation with my mentor Rachel Vanoven, and I was telling her that I love newborns, but I get frustrated bc I am not as good as I would like to be, I told her I really want to photograph dogs as newborns, even if they aren’t newborns (because if you are a dog owner, you know your dog will always be your baby). So she said “do it, do what you LOVE to do” So I did, and here I am. Every week I have been photographing dogs & cats, and some have been wrapped like a newborn, some have been fetching for a ball. And while I am still photographing families and kids, I am doing more and more of what I really love… Animals! Plus I truly feel like a dog whisperer sometimes, especially when I hear awesome comments like “How did you get them all to look at the same time?” or “How did you get them to sit still”.
What is a good lesson you have learned this year in photography or in your business?
Actually since I got married, and fast forward to now my husband and I learned to build our business without debt. I know it has nothing to do with photography, but everything to do with business. Like our favorite financial guru Dave Ramsey says “Live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else”. There are times I want to “upgrade” my camera so bad, or get a new lens. But I always sit down with my hubs and evaluate if I really “NEED” the new camera or new lens, and if we do end up buying it we budget it or save up for it. Being debt free in my business has truly been a blessing. I can do my job and not worry about any financial problems, I get to focus more on being creative, than trying to figure out how many more sessions I need to do to pay the credit card bill.
If you could encourage a new photographer in one area, what would it be?
Do what you LOVE. If you love newborns shoot newborns. If you love pets shoot pets. Trust me the once you perfect your craft, and even though there might be no market for it, become extremely good at it that people will go out and adopt a dog just so you can photograph it… speaking from experience!
What do you love most about being a photographer?
I love meeting new people. Aside from my doggie and kitty love I get weekly (since my hubs said no more pets in our house) Meeting their owners have become a blessing in my life. Some have not only become great friends, but they are the reason why my business keeps growing. They refer me like crazy, and I am so blessed to be their pet photographer.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I would LOVE to have some kids of my own to see the beautiful bond they will have with my pets. Just seeing my clients babies and doggies bond melts my heart. I long for that feeling. Soon.. very soon! Also I would LOVE to publish my first book of Rescue’d dogs in Dallas… #dallaspaws project is underway
About the Artist: I am a Pet & Family photographer based out of Dallas, Texas. I am married to an extremely handsome & talented man who just graduated from Architecture school, & 2 furry babies named Chloe & Ted. I love chasing the sun, and if I could do a photo shoot every sunset I would. I love capturing animals in their most tender moments. If a shot takes me 5 hours to get, but I get it, those 5 hours were all worth it and I would do it all over again if I had to. I love animals more than most humans, but I think most animals love me more than most humans do too lol!
So excited that you have joined RTS. I am a new member as well as a new photographer. I work with dog rescue and am trying so hard to “marry” the two passions of animals and photography. Your photos are amazing. Looking forward to hearing more from you!