We are so thrilled today to welcome the fabulously talented Robin Long to the Blog! Learn more about Robin and her GORGEOUS Newborn Photography in our Photographer Spotlight, then visit her at her website Robin Long Photography . Thank you so much Robin for sharing your work with us today!
Where did your inspiration for photography begin?
I first began in film photography back in high school, learning how to develop in the darkroom. However, It wasn’t until much later in life that I found my true passion in photography. I’ve been a baby-lover all my life, always wanting to hold and snuggle with babies, and just the pure amazement I feel when I’m around them. There’s always been a camera in my hands, but the first time I photographed a newborn in 2008, I knew I had truly found my inspiration.
How would you describe your photography style?
I would describe my style as pure, natural and simple with a sense of emotional storytelling. I always have a plan when I go in to a session with set ups, but I allow myself to express my creativity freely with no rules or boundaries. Storytelling can be created or can be unexpected and I like to be open to seeing the beauty unfold naturally.
Did you study photography in school or are you self taught?
I am completely self-taught, with the exception of photography classes in high school. I’ve never taken any college photography courses, although I wish I had. Maybe it would have helped things go a little smoother in the beginning. I’ve taken some online photography classes and a couple in-person workshops and seminars educating me in many areas of photography. It’s been a tough journey with ups and downs, but I truly believe that hard work pays off and the stepping-stones we take along the journey are what make us who we are today.
Do you shoot Canon or Nikon, and what is your favorite lens?
I shoot Nikon and my favorite lens is a tie between my 85mm 1.4 and 135mm 2.0, although, I don’t use either of these lenses with my newborn work. Any lens that has creamy bokeh wins my heart!
Do you have any tips for photographers on how to find the light?
Catchlights and pockets. Look for the catchlights in the eyes and pockets of light everywhere around you. There you will find the light. Study the light in everything you see; people, landscapes, nature, etc. It’s everywhere. I don’t think we can ever stop learning about light.
What is the most challenging thing about photographing newborns?
Trying to wrap a wiggly newborn. They are so cute, they make me laugh. I’ll get their hands tucked down and no sooner I have the wrap around them, and their tiny little hands have made their way out and they are staring up at me with this funny little look like they are saying, “Ha Ha, you thought you had me!”
What is a good lesson you have learned this year in photography or in your business?
Keeping myself on task. I tend to go from one task to another because I get bored. My mind never stops thinking, so I set task reminders on my phone to alert me when I need to move on to the next one on my list. This helps me get things done, most of the time. lol
If you could encourage a new photographer in one area, what would it be?
Believe in YOU.
Stay true to yourself and find inspiration in your own work. This is hard to do and one of the biggest things I see when I mentor other photographers. I have to remind myself of this too because I do the same thing. I think because we are artists and are striving at always wanting to be good at what we do, we get down on ourselves when we “think” we don’t stand up to our own expectations. We are better than we believe.
What do you love most about being a photographer?
Oh goodness…I love everything about being a photographer. I love the mornings when I wake up and sit in bed with my chai tea and laptop and have the luxury of checking in with friends and family. I love when I get to hold a brand new baby in my arms, the relationships I build each day, the joy of running my own business, the freedom to go to lunch with my daughters when I want to, and the feeing I get after creating a memory for someone that will be cherished the rest of their life. I truly love my life and am completely blessed beyond all my hopes and dreams to be doing something I’m so passionate about.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In 5 years I will still be cuddling sweet babies, capturing memories for myself, and others, and continuing to enjoy this journey that God has blessed me with. I’m always open to what His plans are for me, and willing to go where He wants me to go.
About Robin Long: Robin Long is a Multi-award winning photographer specializing in maternity, newborns and babies. Robin resides in Salem, Oregon with her husband and three daughters, and travels the US and Internationally, teaching and speaking to photographers about newborns. She is the author of the newly released book, “Natural Newborn & Baby Photography” available worldwide. Robin also travels to Los Angeles photographing celebrity and high profile clientele through purebaby® LUXE.
Great interview with a very talented newborn photographer! I’ve been following Robin’s work for some time and I think she sums up her style well! Pure, natural and simple! Hey, but you didn’t tell us what your fave newborn lens is! 🙂
Oh you are so right! I didn’t specify my favorite “newborn” lenses!! I love my 50mm 1.4 and 100mm 2.8 macro lenses when photographing newborns! Thanks for asking! 🙂