The amazingly talented Shannon Sewell is on the blog today! Learn why she is so highly sought after for commercial and family photographs in this interview and get lost in the worlds she creates for her clients. Thank you so much Shannon for sharing your thoughts and beautiful work!
Where did your inspiration for photography begin?
It began with documenting my kids. I couldn’t get enough pictures of them. It then spread to documenting my friends kids… and a business began 🙂
How would you describe your photography style?
Playful, whimsical… I shoot editorial stories through the imagination of kids.
Did you study photography in school or are you self taught?
I am primarily self taught… I took some photography courses in the beginning to learn the basics and ran with it.
Do you shoot Canon or Nikon, and what is your favorite lens?
Canon. My go to lens is my 85 1.2L.
Do you have any tips for photographers on how to find the light?
Circle your subject and watch how the light plays- from bright twinkles in the eye to shadows that accentuate features, emotions… you do that enough times and you will learn what light brings out the feel you are looking for.
What is the most challenging part about being a photographer?
The whole business aspect is a challenge for me… I do well with the organization of it all, but I do horribly with the monetary part. Trying to put my value into a dollar amount and then asking people to agree with me by paying it? ah! So nerve wracking.
What is a good lesson you have learned this year in photography or in your business?
Letting some of the responsibilities go and letting the experts in their field help you, it will allow you to excel at what you do best and take you to a level you couldn’t get to on your own.
If you could encourage a new photographer in one area, what would it be?
Don’t work yourself into begrudging your work… don’t let the work take on its own agenda. If you keep focused on why you started and keep true to what makes you happy in your work, you will never have to ‘work’ at all 🙂
What do you love most about being a photographer?
That I get to wake up each day and pick my adventure and that my adventure always involves my family. We get to travel to the most amazing places and I get to document it all…
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
That is the hardest question for me because I have found, through the years, that I never end up where I think I will so I’ve just quit guessing and just go with the flow 😉 The only place I care to be is with the people I love and happy…
About the Artist: I believe the most important thing we can do is love & be kind. I found my perfect muse for this (& all I do) in my children. I have made a career of taking pictures of them (and playing dress up). When they let me, I dress up other people’s kids & take pictures of them too. I’ve got a hippy soul with a touch of OCD. I believe that animals are friends, not food & I probably won’t remember your name but I’ll always remember your smile.
Visit Shannon at her WEBSITE | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | INSTAGRAM pages today!
This style is absolutely fabulous and unique! I love all of the props and how the scream fun and childlike! What an amazing imagination you have to have to envision these types of shoots!